Our School » Title I Information

Title I Information

Mountain Valley Middle School

Title 1 Parent Engagement Policy


Explanation of Title 1

Title 1 is a federally funded program designated to provide a high quality education that will ensure our students’ mastery of skills in order to meet the state’s high academic standards. Research-based, supplemental instruction in reading, math, social studies, and science is provided under Title 1 funds for students based on academic need. These funds are disbursed to schools meeting certain qualifications based on the eligible number of students qualifying for the Free and Reduced Lunch Program.

General Expectations

In accordance with Title 1 requirements, this document will serve as the written Family Engagement Policy for Mountain Valley Middle School, 2024-2025. This document has been jointly developed and has been agreed upon by MVMS staff and families. It will be distributed to MVMS families and the local community in a format that parents can understand, and it will be distributed in Spanish upon request.

Engaging our Families

In order to provide our MVMS families with engagement opportunities, the following will be done by our school:

  • An Annual Title 1 meeting will be held to inform families of the documents that set forth the expectation for Mountain Valley MS as well as the expectations of the families of MVMS students.
  • Parent/Teacher conferences shall be available to provide parents with the information on their student’s progress as well as to provide an opportunity for parents to ask questions and/or voice concerns regarding their student’s education. The campus Home/School Compact will also be discussed and signed by all parties at this time.
  • Provide timely information about school programs, and give parents the opportunity to participate in the planning, review, and joint development of the Campus Improvement Plan while being given the opportunity to submit any parent comments within the plan.
  • Offer opportunities that encourage family engagement such as Hallway Heroes, Coffee with the Principal, Veterans Day Ceremony, PTSA volunteer opportunities, and family night events.
  • Provide flexible opportunities for parents to participate in meetings, activities, and parental involvement. 

MVMS will continue to build upon the family and growing campus capacity for family engagement by offering information to families regarding the progress of the campus towards state standards. Communication with parents regarding student progress towards standards and expectations will be provided throughout the year. MVMS strives to continue a strong communication system between home and school and find ways to engage families in the educational journey of their child.

Mountain Valley Middle School

Title 1 School-Family-Student Compact


A School-Family-Student Compact for achievement is an agreement that families, students, and staff develop together. It explains how families and staff will work together to make sure all our students reach or exceed grade level standards.

As a School, we will…

   Establish a supportive and caring learning environment where your child has the opportunity to set a plan to achieve his/her goals.

   Promote engagement and collaboration between families, Mountain Valley Middle School, and the community.

   Provide high quality instruction based on the TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills).

   Deliver differentiated instruction based on the needs of students.

   Communicate regularly regarding student progress and school activities.

   Promote development of character through The Hawk Way:

We celebrate and honor each other.

We are respectful, honest, kind and fair.

We give our best in and out of the classroom.

    This is who we are, even when no one is watching.

    This is the Hawk Way.

As a Family, we will…

   Commit that our child attends school regularly, with no more than 4 absences per semester.

   Ensure our child actively engages in his or her assignments.

   Regularly monitor assignments, grades, and attendance in Skyward.


   Communicate with our child to check his or her progress in all classes.

   Provide accurate/current address and phone number information.

   Openly communicate any questions or concerns that might affect our child’s academics or behavior with others on campus.

   Participate in the decision-making process and campus activities related to the education of our child such as:

        • Conferences
        • Family Nights
        • Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
        • Hallway Heroes Program

As a Student, I will…

   Attend school regularly, with no more than 4 absences per semester.

   Be an active participant in class, activities, and discussions.

   Take responsibility for all class work.

   Respect my school, my peers, and the property of others.

   Ask for help when needed in both academics and behavior.

   Use Hawk Time to get extra help, academic support, and enrichment.

   Take care of our school, our property, and the property of others.

   Set goals and strive to achieve them.

   Demonstrate good character by modeling The Hawk Way:

We celebrate and honor each other.

We are respectful, honest, kind and fair.

We give our best in and out of the classroom.

      This is who we are, even when no one is watching.

     This is the Hawk Way.