PAP Algebra
Bio: This is my 19 year of teaching in public education. I have taught at the High School level (11 years) as well as the Middle School level (8 years). I am married (happily) and have 3 amazing children (2 in High School and 1 in Elementary). I am very passionate about teaching students and preparing their Mathematic foundation (Algebra). This year I am also coaching tennis and UIL Number Sense.
Course information: This is a PAP course which is fast paced and a content rich (new content that has not been covered in any grade or course prior to Algebra) course that is challenging for all students. I try to have students learn of the rigors that AP courses will present them with in High School and how to negotiate their way through the challenges they provide. I also try to get my students to advocate for their education, prepare themselves to be leaders, and challenge them to become citizens that contribute to our society in a positive way.
Tutorials: I have tutorials Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 7:45 - 8:10 am. I also make myself available during the normal 8th grade lunchtime every day if students struggle with the morning tutorial time. I am available during 7th period (which is my conference period) for students that can schedule this with their other class. I will stay after school if needed, but this will need to be scheduled because of family commitments after the school day.