Rachel Crisp » Welcome to 7th Grade ELAR

Welcome to 7th Grade ELAR

Welcome to Mrs. Crisp's 7th Grade English Language Arts class! 
What do we do in English Language Arts? 
In this class, students will continue to develop high-level language and literacy skills through reading, speaking, listening, and writing. Students will improve reading comprehension through exposure to increasingly complex and varied texts, and write to communicate ideas, information, opinions, and in response to texts. We will read and write in some form everyday! 
Class Assignments and Homework
Students will be given due dates for class assignments as they are given. Due dates will be posted in the classroom. If a student should need additional time, they may complete the assignment as homework. I don't assign additional homework other than the encouragement to read at home. If a student is struggling to complete assignments in the given time, we can work together to make a plan.
Grading Guidelines
We will be following the district Grading Guidelines regarding late work, make-up work, etc. A student's grade is made of the following categories. 
Daily Work/Homework.                       25%  ->minimum of 1 grade per week
Quizzes.                                                35% ->minimum of 3 per grading period
Unit Assessments/Major Grades.        40% ->minimum of 2 per grading period
Students have access to their grades in Skyward and are given time weekly to check their grades. I encourage students to see me when they have a concern about their grade, so we can work together to make a plan should their grade need to improve. 
Morning Help for: Test Corrections / Make-Up Work / Questions about grades
Monday & Wednesday 7:45 - 8:10 (Thursday and Friday by appointment)
Students must attend tutoring sessions to do test corrections and/or get help with make-up work.
If a student cannot attend in the morning, due to transportation, they can get a pass to see me at Hawk Time. 


I will be sending out "REMIND" notices via text to keep you informed of upcoming due dates and tests. Email is the quickest way to get a response from me and to communicate about your child.

My email address is:

        [email protected]



Coming to school with the appropriate supplies is very important to a student's success. You can help your child be successful by checking in with them about any supplies they may need replenished throughout the year. 


Basic Supplies:


1 regular folder with 3 brackets and pockets

1 composition book



Supplies that need to be replenished throughout the year:



color pencils

