8th Grade Math
Thank you for visiting my page. I am excited to be working at Mountain Valley Middle School, 8th Grade (Pre-Agebra). This course covers the 8th grade math curriculum and prepares students to take Algebra next year.
All assignments and class notes are published to the google classroom on the date we study the material in class. If a student misses class, please check google classroom for content that was covered in the missed class. All assignments and instructional materials are shared to google classroom. If a test or quiz is missed, the student is expected to speak with me to arrange a time outside class time to make up the assessment. Google classroom is the back up to my actual classroom where announcements and other information is shared. Students are automatically joined to my teacher google classrooms. Please ensure you can access google classroom.
If a student does not have access to a device to check google classroom at home, our school schedule allows for multiple opportunities for them to use devices at school. All core teachers have a class set of devices students may use before and after school and during our daily Hawktime.
Once a student has joined the Google Classroom, parent/guardian emails may be added to the class. This will give parents/guardians access to student information and assignments within the classroom.
Tutorials are currently held on:
Before School: Monday / Tuesday / Thursday / Friday and
After School: Tuesday/Thursday 4:00pm - 4:30pm
I have duty outside in the 8th Grade area on Wednesday mornings. I am happy to answer student questions during this time.
Students will need a binder with dividers for 3 sections: Notes, handouts, and assignments/assessments.
We use the TI-nSpire CX calculator in the classroom. It is not necessary for students to purchase their own. However, a personal calculator for use at home will be convenient and will be the calculator that will be used all through high school in Comal ISD. Online calculators provide most if not all calculator functions used in 8th grade.
Classroom Donations:
Black Expo markers - this is THE longest lasting and best value. Donations are gratefully accepted ALL year!
Tissues - students are very grateful to have these available in the classroom.
Google Classroom 'How To' Help
Click here for a list of helpful video tutorials on all things google, including google meets, classroom and docs. Click through to the spreadsheet, be sure to 'open with' google sheets to view the file of helpful tutorials.