Shawn Boone » 6th Grade Technology Applications/ 7th & 8th Yearbook

6th Grade Technology Applications/ 7th & 8th Yearbook


Welcome! I am Shawn Boone and this will be my 8th year at Mountain Valley Middle School. I know we will have a great year learning about keyboarding, word processing, spreadsheets, coding and so much more. I am also the Yearbook Advisor.


Our classwork is located in Google Classroom. Students will need to bring a pair of inexpensive earbuds/earphones to leave in the classroom for the whole semester. I would also gladly accept donations of Kleenex and Clorox wipes. 


1st period:  Technology Applications
2nd period: Conference
3rd period:  Yearbook
4th period:  Technology Applications
5th period:  Technology Applications
6th Period:  Technology Applications
7th Period:  Technology Applications

Welcome to 6th grade Technology Applications


[email protected]


Purpose of Course:

Technology Applications is a basic computer skills class covering keyboarding, word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, design, basic computer coding, Internet safety and digital citizenship.

Classwork / Homework:

This is a project based course that includes 3-5 projects per semester. These projects will be worked on in class with ample time for completion. Please note that students who plagiarize their work will not receive credit for that assignment. Also, students should not use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to complete assignments without prior teacher approval. We will be using Google Classroom for weekly agendas, assignments and tests. Students and parents have their own Skyward accounts to check on grades and missing assignments. 


The student will have a clear understanding of the expectations of the class and project deadlines. Any late work must be completed within 3 days of an excused absence. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what work they missed. They can check Google Classroom, ask a classmate, or ask me. District late work policy is:

  • 1 day late   - 80
  • 2 days late - 60
  • 3 days late - 0 { no credit}

Progress reports will be available electronically every 3 weeks. Report cards will be issued every 9 weeks throughout the school year. We will adhere to the grading guidelines of the Comal ISD district: 

  • Daily Work and Homework   = 25% minimum/ 1 grade per week 
  • Quizzes and CAs                     = 35% minimum/ 3 required per grading period  
  • Major Grades and Projects    = 40% minimum/  2 required per grading period


Since the majority of our work is digital, the only school supply that I require is 1 pair of inexpensive earbuds to be left in my classroom for the whole semester. The earbuds will be returned to the student at the end of the semester.  I recommend Dollar Tree earbuds that cost $1.25 before tax. I also sell earbuds for $1.25 if you can not find any inexpensive ones. These earbuds are separate from any earbuds that other teachers may ask you to purchase. I only want CHEAP earbuds because I will not be responsible for lost, broken or stolen earbuds. Also, I would welcome any donations of Clorox wipes and Kleenex since these items are not provided by the school. 

MVMS Computer Lab Rules:   

  1. You should conduct yourself in a respectful manner while in the lab. No loud talking, whistling, horseplay, running, pushing, etc.
  2. No food, gum, or drinks are allowed near the computers. Backpacks and water bottles will be stored on or under the front tables. Students may drink their drinks at the front of the room whenever I am not actively teaching.
  3. Please keep your hands to yourself. Do not reach over and touch another student’s keyboard or mouse without their permission.  
  4. Please remember to log off the computer at the end of class and do not share account passwords with your friends. 
  5. The teacher will determine when, and if, cell phones are to be used in class. Cell phones can and will be taken up from the student if the student fails to comply with this rule.    


We will utilize the District email and Remind systems to communicate with our students and guardians. Please make sure we have a correct email for you in Skyward.  

Student Contract:

The purpose of this agreement is to advise both the student and their guardian(s) of the rules concerning the use of the student computer lab, including the Internet, and clear consequences for breaking these rules.

  1. Students are to follow and obey all lab rules which are provided or posted in the lab.
  2. Students will conduct themselves in a respectful manner at all times.  
  3. Students will be responsible for completing and submitting all assignments for a grade by the due dates.
  4. Students will make up any missing assignments in a timely manner ( 3 days) or lose credit.
  5. Consequences for breaking lab rules can result in some or all of the following:
  • Temporary loss of computer privileges. An alternate assignment will be assigned.
  • School’s discipline procedure.
  • Parent(s) will meet with the teacher and/or principal.
  • Students could experience complete loss of computer privileges.

Student Consent:

I have read the computer lab rules and I understand that I may lose computer privileges if 

I fail to follow these rules. 

My name: _______________________________________________Class Period ______

My signature:___________________________________________ Date:______________

Parent Consent:

My child and I have read and understand the computer lab rules and any consequences that

may occur if my child does not respect the lab rules and equipment. 

My signature:________________________________________________Date:________________

Parent(s) emails: __________________________________________________________________


Please sign and return this form to Mrs. Boone by Tuesday, August 27, 2024.

 You can find a copy of this form in Google Classroom under the topic Classroom Info.